6 Wellness Products I'm Loving


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A few of my favorite 2020 wellness products featuring Lululemon, Alani Nu, Rae Wellness and Nike Run Club

The new year is still fresh in our heads and for many of us so is the idea that we want to be better to ourselves this year. Personally, I didn't make any crazy health goals or resolutions, but the fresh year and seeing everyone else really focusing on taking care of themselves defiantly has me putting a little more emphasize on focusing on health and wellness. A few things have been staples in helping me with this and I’m sharing them with you today!


Turmero Turmeric Supplement

Turmeric is amazing for inflammation and I have been taking it it consistently the last few weeks to try and help my wrist (more about that in a minute) in the form of Turmero. Turmero is said to help with joint function, exercise recovery and supports the immune system. Added bonus, it tastes like a creamsicle.

Alani Nu preworkout

Alani Nu Pre-Workout Mimosa Flavor

I love Alani Nu Pre-Workout for a little kick before getting my sweat on, but the best part is the flavors! My favorite is the Rainbow Candy, but I've also tried the Hawaiian Shaved Ice and Mimosa flavors and can't complain about either!

Lululemon run swiftly tops

These are my go to work out tops! The tops in the Run Swiftly line are light weight, breathable and super comfy! I have a few tanks, a few short sleeves and a long sleeve and they are easily my most reached for workout tops!

Chiropractor and Doctor

I've been owning up and taking care of my body. Now thinking about it, this is another way that I am showing myself it's okay to ask for help. Work out, eat right, get good sleep, hydrate it's all great but sometimes it's not quite enough. Sometimes you need help to heal or to make sure you are functioning at full capacity. Continuing my weekly visits to the chiropractor is a start, but I've also finally taken the step to go in and have my wrist looked at/ X-rayed. I've been struggling with this pesky wrist for too long, it's time to do some work to heal it.

Rae Vegan Collagen

Vegan Collagen Boost- Unflavored from Rae Wellness

I like adding collagen to my smoothies, but stopped when I fully gave up meat back in October. I just recently stumbled upon this vegan collagen by Rae while walking through Target and figured I'd give it a try. It's a plant based collagen with vitamin C and bamboo extract! Like I said, I add collagen to smoothies, but Rae also has it in a capsule form that I may have to try out for traveling! There's actually a few of their products I'm interested in trying.. will report back!

Nike Run App

I track all my runs with this app! The app tracks both outdoor and indoor runs which is nice because I am usually a treadmill runner and not someone who is interested in braving the cold to go for a run, but I'm covered either way, on the off change I do head outdoors for a run!