The Waves We Don't See

I was recently scrolling through all the notes on my phone and clearing out the ones no longer needed. In doing so I stumbled upon a few little blurbs I wrote, most of them thoughts that were caught in a moment and meant to get transferred into my journal. I really liked this one, that must have been written at some point near some sort of choppy body of water, and figured why not share. Hope you enjoy this sweet little blurb!

ocean sunset, blue mind, water life

Long and flat, an expanse of water stretching towards the sky.

Where the two meet, the horizon is jagged and scalloped.

An indicator of rough waters off shore.

Just because we can’t see the waves pitching up right in front of us, doesn’t mean they are not there ready to give a sailor a struggle.

I guess that is much like us.

Our even keeled facades so often provide shelter for the waves crashing inside our minds. The struggles we don’t show, the ones we stuff inside are there and ready to provide waters rough enough to even the most skilled of sailors.

But just as the waves with rest and the surface smooth, our minds will still.

Our thoughts will calm.

The chaos will subside.

More writing, here and here and here