Nostalgia in a Bottle of Wine

Nostalgia in a bottle of wine. Rose. Travel stories. Procreate edit.

I’ve shared about the time that a cut in my foot reminded me of my make shift first aid abroad and how cutting a mango reminded me of when that sweet fruit was one of my days biggest highlights, but today’s little thing that sparked nostalgia was a bottle of grapefruit rosé.

I first tried a bottle of this super sweet rosé in Brussels while backpacking in Europe 2 years ago. I found it in a little corner liquor store one night during our walk back to our Airbnb. It’s not something I always find here at home, but when I do it brings a little smile to my face and makes my heart a bit happier.

Each time, the first sip reminds me of nights on end spent with two of my favorite boys playing cards for hours while sitting at little tables in Greece or Belgium, laughing, drinking a little too much and listening to Easy Easy by King Krule.

I’m happy that such mundane things spark such joyful memories. That’s the beauty of traveling I suppose, it really helps you to look at the little things in your life differently. You become able to find joy and fond memories in the little things and I think that’s important, especially with where we all are now. As we are all confined to our homes the big incredible things become less present daily and the importance of finding joy in the little things grows.

A game of cards at the kitchen table with family, having the time to pick up a new skill or time to rest and just be, a good really sweaty workout, looking back on photos from trips past and summer days, enjoying a sweet chilled glass of fruity wine- this is where I’m finding my joy these days until I can return to spending my weekends traveling work and planning for big new adventures.