I had this itch when I woke up yesterday morning to get in the water. 

Not caring whether there were 3ft waves or nothing more than a ripple on the lakes surface, I threw a short board in my car and headed to the water. We are in the last few days of May and the air and water temperature were both hovering around 55 degrees. I wiggled and pulled and jumped around into my 6/5mm wetsuit and my booties and was ready to go! I figured that even if there were no waves I’d get out on the lake and have a little paddle practice. 

I was pleasantly surprised to find a few small waves popping up on the lake. While there was nothing consistent or super great, I did manage to hop onto a couple little rides. When not trying to push myself into some small waves, I just floated around and enjoyed the slight chill of the water. I ended up playing in the lake for close to 2 hours. I've mentioned it before, but I'll say it again, being in the water sure does help spark some inspiration and creativity.

Speaking of which...

I decided to bring out my GoPro for my little lake day. I honestly don't use my GoPro as much as I should so I figured, why not? I ended up trying my hand at editing and put together this little video. So here it is, the first ever "Madventures" video. I have to give credit to my dear Ella for the name, she came up with it while we were working last summer! 


Putting together this little video has me feeling inspired to finally put together some of the videos I filmed last fall in Bali. When that happens you can be sure to find it here!

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